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We were happy to have Kial from San Francisco and Amber from Lincoln, Nebraska arrive on Friday the 10th of September to join our other two young women here, Liz and Lauren. We put them to work right away. Kial is working on putting all our financial records on computers and Amber, who is a Nurse Aide is busy helping at outreach clinics and around the hospital. On Saturday night we had a C/Section for our after dinner experience. Only Liz wanted to observe the others bowed out! We got home for dessert at 10 p.m.! Major left for the US on Tuesday and he has arrived safely and is busy enjoying food as he tells me and Root Beer! He was met at the airport with 8 litres of Root Beer and he really believe that he was in the land of wonderful! he is busy going out for dinner and catching up with people. He had 100+ voice messages on his cellphone he is using in the US when he arrived--so be patient he will get back to you! The doctors were both gone for meetings from Thursday afternoon until ...