Typical week at Chidamoyo?
Stewart and Dez oainting in peds ward The framing for roof completed on nurses station Louise, Veronica and Gilly at work folding gauze Bob on his way out the door to airport Patrick and James Easen Gilly Withers holding baby in theater Well this past week was a busy week with people coming and going. People always ask me what a typical day/week is like for me at Chidamoyo. I always reply there is nothing typical and you just go with the flow. This week the flow was more like a flood! We started with 11 people for breakfast on Monday and thenMajor left with 3 visitors to Mukowe (2 hours away) to see one of the school programs that James sponsors with his organization ZRSDP (Zimbabwe Rural Schools Development Program). The rest of the group spent the day counting pills, doing statistics and the men painting the new windowsills in the new pediatric extension. Bob was finishing up the frame for the roof on the new Nurses’ station/trauma room. The school group wasgone all day until abo...