
Showing posts from July, 2014

Buildings, Friends, University and a Scottish Wedding in Africa!

The rebuilding of the burnt part of the hospital is going well and we have found very fast builders.  They are promising to be done by September--we hope so.  They have added on a dining room and working around some existing walls now for the inside part.  Major is going to Harare this week to buy more supplies to keep us on schedule.  We are also building a new storeroom to keep all the drugs as we have not included that in the rebuild--since we want it away from any potential fire in the future!  Thank you for all your prayers and support and donations as we have struggled through this! On  the 19th of July, my friends, Karen and Ben Pennington from Masvingo ( 3 hours south of Harare) came for a 3 day visit.  Ben and Karen have been missionaries in Masvingo since 1976.  We met then and have been friends ever since.  Neither one of us expected to be here in Zimbabwe, almost 40 years later! I put Ben to work on Sunday preaching at chur...

New visitor and Rebuilding has begun!

We welcomed to Chidamoyo, Emily Hutchins on June 28th.  She flew in from Seattle, WA to join us for a month of work with us.  She graduated from college last year in Biology and is trying to find out what she would like to do in medical work.  She has been busy helping Major with his financial report, filing for our ART clinic, helping me with month end reports, watching a C/Section, going out on a vaccination clinic and doing vital signs for our out patient clinic, and drawing blood for CD4s--all in her first week here!  More fun to come! On Monday the construction company we have hired to do the rebuilding showed up and began work! They have started working on building a new dining room that will be attached to the kitchen.  They have almost finished the foundation in 4 days--they are moving fast!  Yeah! UK Trust has bought a new electric Industrial washing machine and laundry pressure for us again.  As well as purchasing a new engine for our ne...