Ambuya Day!
Waiting for Food
Major with his 106 year old Grandmother
Mr. Togarepi preaching
Happy with their T-shirts
We had such a wonderful day yesterday when we had “Ambuya Day” at church. For some time we have wanted to thank all of the Grandmothers who are working so hard to be the primary caregivers of many grandchildren. So we set aside this special day to invite as many grandmothers to honor them with a special church service.
We started with tea and bread at 9 a.m. and then had a wonderful service. Our band was there and the old ladies really got into dancing. Even the ones with their walking sticks were dancing around. Mr. Zebedee Togarepi our friend and minister from Chiredzi came to preach the message that was specifically to thank the Grandmothers for their hard work. The theme of the message was that they need God even more than the children who have died and left them with grandchildren to take care of. It was such a touching message.
After the service we were able to give each grandmother a T-shirt that said “Thank God for Grandma’s” with a map of Zimbabwe. They were all so happy. Then we had a special lunch with sadza, goat, and intestines, veges and chicken. They ate until they were so full and like all grandmothers everywhere they tucked leftovers into their plates and bowls to take home for dinner! The grandmothers continued to jump for joy and it was just such a wonderful day!
We started with tea and bread at 9 a.m. and then had a wonderful service. Our band was there and the old ladies really got into dancing. Even the ones with their walking sticks were dancing around. Mr. Zebedee Togarepi our friend and minister from Chiredzi came to preach the message that was specifically to thank the Grandmothers for their hard work. The theme of the message was that they need God even more than the children who have died and left them with grandchildren to take care of. It was such a touching message.
After the service we were able to give each grandmother a T-shirt that said “Thank God for Grandma’s” with a map of Zimbabwe. They were all so happy. Then we had a special lunch with sadza, goat, and intestines, veges and chicken. They ate until they were so full and like all grandmothers everywhere they tucked leftovers into their plates and bowls to take home for dinner! The grandmothers continued to jump for joy and it was just such a wonderful day!
Over 150 grandmothers attended and with the regular church people the church was packed. Some people came by scotch cart because they couldn't walk far. It was really a special day for these Grandmothers and something they will talk about for years to come!
We especially thank Gary and Patty LeDonne and others from Sebastopol Christian Church for providing the T-shirts and postage to send them and sponsoring this wonderful day! This speacial Sunday we hope will attract more people to the church on a regular basis. We see our T-shirts everywhere right now.
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