Busy last week, Memorial service, C/Sections and saying good-bye!

Well Major and I leave for furlough on Tuesday afternoon.  We head for Harare on Monday, so we had a lot to get done to get the hospital and home to get ready for being gone!

Saturday I got ready and packed most of my suitcase, knowing I probably wouldn't have much time this week--boy did that turn out to be true!

Sunday my visitors and I went a village about 5 kms away to attend a memorial service for one of our older church ladies.  I attended her funeral in early July and this was the 1 month memorial service.  Church was held at the village and they fed everyone.  Just as we were to eat I got a call from the doctor to come for a C/Section--off we went.  We finished about 1:30 and went home to cook our own lunch!

Just as we got ready to go to evening church at the hospital at 5 p.m. I got another call for a C/Section.  Off we went to do another one.  All mothers and babies did well and were home by Friday this week.

One of our doctor's was gone Tuesday-Thursday for a workshop and so we were kept very busy.  I was also training some of my staff to do month end reports in  between seeing patients and helping the doctor.

Last night we just finished dinner when we got called to do another C/Sections. My visitors decided they were too tired to go.  Unfortunately that wasn't an option for me--so off I went to do anesthesia.  I got home just after 9 p.m. and went to bed!  By 5 a.m. I was up and just as I started breakfast I got called for another C/Section.  This is getting old!  My visitors slept in and missed another one!  Got home to shower, eat breakfast and back by 7:30 a.m. to start another full  day of work!  

Major and I spent the day  writing notes to people as to what to do when and seeing patients.  I got home by 6 p.m. to get dinner on the table for 8 people and be ready for our Prayer time here at 7 p.m.

Tomorrow is the start of a 4 day holiday weekend here.  Monday and Tuesday are Hero's Day.  Hopefully the hospital will be a bit slower for all.  I need to finish up a couple of things tomorrow and then Monday morning we hope to leave for Harare.

This morning we said goodbyes to April and Gabi, our visitors for the last few weeks.  Gabi is going on Tuesday back to New Mexico and April is going to another mission hospital here in Zimbabwe, Karanda mission hospital.  

We hope no more C/Sections await us for this weekend!  We have done enough this weekend.

 Memorial service for Mai Toro

 The turkeys arrived during the sermon!

 Gabi and April drawing blood each Tuesday and Thursday for CD4's

 April helping with one of our four C/Sections during the week

Major saying goodbye to April and Gabi at devotions Friday morning


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