Happy Thanksgiving x 2, Go 49 ers!

Our family got to enjoy 2 Thanksgiving this year, which is nice since I am seldom home for Thanksgiving! On Saturday the 23 rd of November my Brother-in-law Mike Fish from Reno, his daughter Tracy from Folsom, CA and his son Greg and wife Peggy Fish from Elk Grove, CA joined my brother and his family and myself and 2 relatives from my sisters-in-law family and my Zimbabwe family for a Thanksgiving feast. There were 16 of us and we had lots of food and lots of food. It was great to be with them. My best girlfriend from junior high and high school, Maureen Yost, came down for the family Thanksgiving. 1she was married to be sister-in-laws cousin. We were always hoping we would be related for life and we have been! On Sunday the 24 th of November my nephew Marc and I traveled to Santa Clara as I had been given 49er tickets in Seattle in September. We enjoyed an evening game and saw the 49ers win and become 10-1 for the season. It wa...