How much can you get done in 4 hours before church?

A week ago Sunday I went into hyper-drive to get things done before church started at 11 a.m. I got up at 0700 a.m. thinking I would have a leisurely cup of tea and do some internet before breakfast. Within 2 minutes there was a call to get to the hospital for a C/Section. I had 2 coming for breakfast at 0900! I took one, Julie, with me to help with the C/Section! I rushed home by 8:20 a.m. and got the coffee perking and started breakfast. Got a load of wash in the washer and ran to get a shower and dressed for church. By 9 a.m. I had breakfast on the table as my guests came strolling in! After breakfast I started peeling carrots, got the chicken ready and in the oven and started cooking the potatoes and carrots. Since church is not usually over until 1 p.m. I need to have lunch ready to warm when we get home. I ran to get the clothes hung on the line so they could be drying during church. Then I ran inside to get a cake in the oven sinc...