Happy thanksgiving to you!

This week has been a busy week. We have already received 150 mls+ of rain in November, so people are busy in their fields plowing and planting. Mondays all day and Thursday mornings are days people can not work in their fields in our area in order to honor their ancestors—so that is when the patients flock to the hospital. Many wait until they are very ill because the family member who may need to bring them doesn’t want to miss days in the field. So we get some breaks in between when people are busy plowing and planting. The rivers aren’t full yet, but soon the rivers will prevent many people being able to get the hospital until the river goes down a day or so after the rain.
This week we said goodbye to Liz Able who has been with us since August. She flew on to spend Christmas with her family in Shanghai, China and then will be enrolling in college in January in Portland, OR. We wish her well and thank her for her help!
This past Saturday (Nov 13th) we decided to celebrate Thanksgiving and cook up a feast. We couldn’t find another Sat between now and December when all of us would be here, so we had it early. We don’t get Thanksgiving Day off here, so we need a Saturday when we have time to cook and prepare. So we started on Friday when Chris killed the turkey (one of our bartered ones at the hospital) and Saturday we spent all day cooking. We each choose a part to help with and 3 of us were busy cooking and went to the hospital to work in the morning too! We also decided to add to the entertainment by dressing up—3 of us were pilgrims and 3 were Indians—we had to use what we had here and it was a challenge, but we managed—look at those pictures! The best part was having Chris put on white panty hose for his outfit—we all had to help him, with him complaining the whole time! We told him he now had a big appreciation for what girls go through to impress men!
We had turkey, chicken, mashed potatoes, dressing, cranberry salad, broccoli with cranberry salad, carrot soufflé, green beans, cranberry sauce, biscuits, gravy and pecan and butternut squash pie for dessert. We invited some of our neighbors to share with us and 9 of us ate this huge feast on Saturday night! Of course we have been without electricity since Wed. night due to power poles fallen down in a storm, so we met the challenge to get everything cooked in a gas stove and kept warm! What fun we had and all fell into bed exhausted and stuffed like the turkey!
Today 3 of our visitors took off for a visit for Victoria Falls before 2 of them—Kial and Lauren leave us for the states (and another Thanksgiving)! Soon the Christmas decorations come out and the Christmas dishes—yeah!
Now we have been 6 days without electricity and counting. We had to postpone a scheduled C/Section and another surgery in hopes it might come back anytime! They can’t seem to find the fault so our guys are out and walking the lines looking for fallen poles today. We have one of their ZESA employees in our hospital bed, and he has been waiting for an X-ray for 5 days. We are threatening to hold him hostage until it is fixed! With the electricity off for 6 nights now we tend to go bed earlier and get up with the sun!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you as you celebrate on the 25th!


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