Happy New Year

We have been in the New Year for almost 2 weeks and life continues on. We are having good rains and the crops are growing well. We are so thankful for all the wonderful people who gae gifts to the hospital in December. We went from being in the red to ending the year in the black--wow--how did that happen! People were so generous to us.

Because of the rains we have had a few easier days at the hospital. You will notice us working on a jigsaw puzzle I got for Christmas! No one could resist walking by and adding a piece. I put it outside my office on the veranda. Today the 2 doctors, Lori and I finished it!

We are so blessed to get a new small CD4 machine that can do a CD4 in 20 minutes, so we have been busy testing people and starting so many more people on drugs. We are thankful for the organization that provided it. Also we have a group that is sponsoring renovations to our AIDS/counselling center. We are so thankful for these international donors that have chosen us to help!

We are in another ZESA blackout--literally! Going on 6 days and no electricity. The good rainy season is knocking out our power constantly and results in many days "waiting" for ZESA to find the problem and then fix it. Since December 1st we haven't had 7 days with electricity sometime during the day! We are happy the crops look good. Unfortunately the rain has brought a lot of lightening and we have had 2 people who arrived dead due to lightening strikes and several who have been burnt. One who died was a mom holding her 6 week old baby who survived without a touch of lightening while her mom was struck dead.

Hope you guys are keeping warm--have been hearing of bad storms throughout the US from floods to blizzards--makes me happy to be in summer here!


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