Rhino Camp Kariba

Major touching the Rhino
Bob and Rhino mom and baby
Seth, Major, Kathy, Cheryl and Bob
Bob and Major elephant watching
Elephant greeting

So how does it feel to be able to not only see a black Rhino but touch one? Black Rhinos are on the extremely endangered list with less than about 200 in the world left. They have been pouched for their horns used for aphrodisiacs and dagger hangers for some years. We went this Friday 9th of March through Monday the 12th to Rhino Camp and wonderful safari camp on the shores of Lake Kariba about 46 miles down the lake. It is on the edge of Mutusadona National Park and there are 14 known Rhinos in this park which is over 200 miles long and wide. What was our chance of seeing Rhino? We hoped for the best!
Our second day out we woke up to hear the Rhino were near camp and after breakfast drove less than 500 feet and a mother and her baby were laying in the sand of the shore taking a nap. Wow—we were excited. Every time I have seen Rhino keep thinking this may be the last time as they are disappearing so fast from Zimbabwe and the world.
We sat for an over and hour watching as the baby nudged the mom awake she he could nurse. Then I came back to hang out at the camp while the others went on a longer ride. Within an hour a heard a snort and there was the mom and baby eating bushes outside of our room. I was able to sit 4 feet away on the steps of our room to watch as they proceeded to eat, then go under our room (it is built about 10 feet up in the air) and rest and then they took off towards the shore
line where elephants were.
Our group then appeared in their Land Rover and drove up next to the mom and baby and got to pet the mom! How exciting was that! What a wonderful day to enjoy all that God has created!
That evening we went on a boat ride to see more animals and especially enjoyed birds who were fishing for food with their beaks! Each do it a different way all giving them a chance to catch what they need to eat!
Major went fishing on Day 2 and caught 87 bream with the guide who went with him! Wow was he happy! He was talking for ages about it—the great fisherman! We enjoyed a fish dinner—my favorite! He brought home several for his wife who was so happy!


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