Chidamoyo High Tech and Church Conference

We have been involved through the Rotary Club in Sebastopol, CA and through the Tele Med Center at Palm Drive Hospital in Sebastopol, CA in a Tele Med program.  Every Wednesday at 5 p.m. we tune in via Ipad to a Continuing Education Conference put on by Dr. Gude in Sebastopol.  There are interesting case studies and we can learn a lot from these.
On Wednesday, August 21st we were able to present a clinical case here and discuss with experts there about the case and what we should do.  Dr. Kajese, Dr. Kabanzi and I sat around an Ipad and talked back and forth for 1 hour with the group in Sebastopol,CA and we could see each other.  How excited we are to be part of this project and it will benefit us in our practice to be able to talk about difficult cases.  Who could ever imagine that we could sit in the bush in Zimbabwe and talk to other doctors in CA about our patients?
Last week we received 2 new machines in our theater from a generous donation through our UK Trust.  We received a brand new Bovie (a cauterizer for stopping bleeding of blood vessels during surgery) and a new patient monitor that keeps track of the EKG, Temp, Pulse, Respiration, and Saturation of Oxygen during surgery.  Both machines have added so much to our theater and the doctors are so happy!  they actually are looking for patients to do operations on just to use the machines--so watch out!
On Thursday evening we began a church conference here at Chidamoyo with our 52 churches that we work with.  We have an annual conference each year the weekend before school starts its third term.
We had over 22 churches represented and over 300 people were fed.  The church was packed everyday and we just ended this morning with church.  They killed 1 cow and used 90 loaves of bread.  So they kept busy cooking and singing and dancing!  This is always an encouraging time for our church members.
I talked to Major yesterday and he is keep very busy and seeing a lot of old friends and meeting new ones.  He is in Seattle and the big fundraiser was last night.  They were busy preparing for it when I talked to him.
Thank you to all who have hosted and driven him many places.  Can't wait to see all the pictures of you guys.  Only 18 days until he arrives back here, but whose counting:)!

 The new monitor

The new Bovie

Eating time at Conference
Friday night service
Fellowship outside of church building
Dr. Kellert using the new Bovie--she is happy :)!


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