Visitors and getting ready for Christmas!

We had a great trip to South Africa.  We shopped and ate a lot and saw a movie.  We got caught in a power outage in a major mall one day which shut down everything.  At least here in Zimbabwe all our stores have back-up generators in case their our power shut down, but in South Africa they are not prepared.

We got home at 2 p.m. and at 5 p.m. we were back at the airport to pick up Ann Wunderlin from Seattle and the Lake Union Crew Team.  They are a non-profit group that has chosen us as their project in 2015.  They will be building a new Waiting Mothers Shelter that will house 60 women under 1 roof.  She came to pick the building site and to peg it out.  We discussed a lot of the logistics for the team that will in December 2015 to build the unit along side volunteers from here.  It will take 5-6 weeks.  We are so thankful for their big help for this project and wish them well as they start their fundraising.

Ann left on Wednesday evening and on Thursday we picked up a team of 5 from University of Washington in Seattle.  They are 2 teachers and 3 doctoral students from their Physical Therapy program.  They are on an elective and have come to support our Rehab person here and do some outreach clinics with him.  They are with us until the 23rd.

We have had some rain this week and so people are busy plowing and planting.  Work at the hospital has decreased as people are busy in their fields and don't come unless they really have to.  So the patients that do come are very sick.  It has been a nice break for us!

All the best as everyone prepares for Christmas!

 Marking out the Waiting Mothers Shelter

Ann and Kathy

 Marking out the Waiting Mothers Shelter

UW Physical Therapy team working with patients and our Tech Mr. Kamuka


  1. Hey, very nice site. I came across this on Google, and I am stoked that I did. I will definitely be coming back here more often. Wish I could add to the conversation and bring a bit more to the table, but am just taking in as much info as I can at the moment. Thanks for sharing.
    Transport Chairs

    Keep Posting:)


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