Our journey in the US continues

On September 3 Major and I left California for Wichita, Kansas to spend the weekend with Phil and Roxanna Smith and their sons Michael, Josh and Caleb.  Phil is the Missions Minister at Countryside Christian Church in Wichita.  We spoke at Roxanna's middle school to 2 classes and we had a wonderful time with them and were hosted by Bob and Carolyn Lapin for a memorable Chicken Friend Steak dinner which Major looks forward to every time he comes.

We also enjoyed a movie, dinner with the mission committee and speaking at two church services and after church.  We enjoyed staying with the Smith's as we knew them when they were missionaries in South Africa for several years.

On Monday morning Jeff and Isaac Barringer came to pick us up and drove us to Carl Junction, MO to spend 3 days with them.  We worked with Jeff and Debbie Barringer and their children at Chidamoyo from 1990-1997.  The children Isaac, Sarah and Bethany are now all married with children.

While we were in Carl Junction we were able to have tea with Ziden and Helen Nutt, the first missionaries at Chidamoyo.  We also had dinner with Dr. Mike and Robin Keralis who have worked several times with us at Chidamoyo.  They were on their way from their home in Nebraska to see their older son Joel and his wife in Texas.  Major also got a morning of fishing in.

On the 10th of September Jeff drove us to Tulsa, Oklahoma to fly to Las Vegas and then on to Seattle.  In Seattle we were met by Kim Tozier and Jack Ward who welcomed us into their home for 3 nights.  Kim is a Chidamoyo alumni as she came to visit her daughter Lindsay who spent 7 months with us in 2006-2007.  Lindsay was married to Seth Storby on Saturday the 12th of September.

We had a mini-Chidamoyo reunion because 5 others who came to the wedding had been at Chidamoyo at least once and some several times.  We spent time with Stephanie and John Woodman from Maine and Panama, Dr. Morgan MacKenzie from Halifax, Canada and Pam and Jack Johnson from Bainbridge Island, WA.   We went hiking the day before the wedding in Olympia National Park with Jack as our guide. What a great time we had.  Kim and Jack have a beautiful home in the hills overlooking the Hood Canal.  Major did a small part of the ceremony.

The wedding was beautiful and we had so much fun.  We ate and danced and just enjoyed ourselves.  Morgan came on Sunday to pick us up and go out to Lindsay's dad's farm for a fabulous brunch with 2 big TV's showing the Seattle Seahawk games.  Everyone dressed in their colors and cheered as they finally one.  I asked if this was a good time to put on my 49er T-shirt, but no one seemed to answer!

We then left with Morgan to spend the night at Pam and Jack's in Bainbridge Island, WA.  We enjoyed spending a night with them and all the good food they cooked for us.  They took us to their local Art Museum and then took us on the ferry to Seattle to meet our next hosts Cheri and Larry Gail.

We are now in Seattle for 11 days and we are booked up to see lots of friends and organizations that have helped us over the year.  On Saturday (the 19th) is our big fundraiser held every 2 years put on by Friends of Chidamoyo.  Check out the event on their Facebook page and Like us too while you are there.  Even if you can't come, buy a ticket to help us in our goal of $100,000 to raise for the hospital.

Last night we had dinner with Chidamoyo alumni, Jo and Derek, Pat and Rachael.  We also met with 4 young women who are thinking of coming to Chidamoyo to volunteer.

Today we went to eat at Red Robin where Major could enjoy bottomless french fries and root beer with his hamburger and Jo joined us again for lunch.  This afternoon we went to lunch with Rome and Ann who are coming to build our new Waiting Mother's shelter as we worked out some details about their 6 week building work.

Thank you for all your prayers and support during this busy time!  Continue to pray for Chidamoyo as we are away.  Thanks to all the people who are hosting and feeding us!  Major is especially enjoying all that American food!

Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Kajese who had a beautiful baby girl born by C/Section on September 6th in Harare, Zimbabwe.  New baby Alexis Kajese is welcomed!

Phil Smith and family

Bob and Carolyn Lappin with Kathy and Major

Barringer family with Kathy

Ziden and Helen Nutt

The Keralis's

The view from Kim and Jack's house

Kim and Jack

Morgan with Major and I on our hike in Olympia Park

Jack, Morgan and Major on hike

John and Stephanie Woodman, Morgan, Pam Johnson and Kathy at the wedding

Mr. and Mrs. Seth Storby

Lindsay with her wedding party

Major with the Bride and Groom

Lindsay and Major at the brunch on Sunday

John Woodman at the brunch

Kathy and Major with Morgan at the Johnson's home

Jack and Pam at their home

Welcome to Seattle--coming in by ferry

Major and Kathy with Jo Taninguchi

Miss Alexis Kajese


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