On the road again...

On the 19th of October we flew from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Indianapolis, Indiana.  We arrived and picked up our rental car and drove to Mooresville, Indiana where we met our friends Carolyn DeLauighter and Marylee Fletchner who had driven down from Crown Point to see us.  We met at Mt. Giliad Christian Church and met up with Dave Thurman, one of the ministers there who comes to Zimbabwe frequently with teams to visit the Chiredzi orphanage.  They have stayed several times in my flat in Harare as they come and go--so it was nice to see him.

Marylee served at Chidamoyo from 1977-79 and helped at the hospital and taught the missionary kids.

Carolyn and her husband Bill were our nearest missionaries in Karoi for many years when we had no phone or electricity.  We stayed many times with them.  Bill recently died in March and we were anxious to see Carolyn before she left for 3 months with her son Billy and family in Tanzania and 3 months with her son David and family in India.  We ate an early dinner and had a great time of fellowship.  Where else but Indiana can you get fried biscuits??

After dinner we left for Salem, Indiana to spend 2 days with fellow missionaries Ben and Karen Pennington who work in Masvingo in Zimbabwe.  They have bought a home to retire in there and are home celebrating the birth of a new granddaughter and visiting their children and other granddaughter.
We went one day to Louisville, Kentucky to shop and eat at The Cheesecake Factory.  The next day we went to Nashville, Indiana to see the fall colors and shop in the unique shops there.  From there we left Ben and Karen and drove to Bloomington, Indiana to stay with Dr. Dwain and Mrs. Marilyn Illman.  They invited over for dinner several ex-Zim missionaries we had worked with in the past.  We saw Dr. and Mrs. Jim Frasure and their daughter Kathy, Dr. Mike Bishop and his wife, Dr. Sally Sperring and her husband Lynn Johnson.  We had a great time of dinner and fellowship.

On Thursday we went to Indianapolis, and spent the day in downtown seeing the capital and went to a movie where they had recliner chairs in the movie theater.  It was hard to keep awake--but we enjoyed it!
Friday we drove on to Veedersburg, Indiana where we spent 2 enjoyable days with friends Ed and Pat Crumrin.  They live in a farming area and on a farm.  Major got to ride on his first combine and he loved that!  Just being in the farms made Major very anxious to return home to start plowing! Ed took us on a wonderful ride through the area to see the fall colors and sights.   We enjoyed down home country cooking from Pat and boy we enjoyed those biscuits every meal!

Sunday we spoke four 2 services at Veedersburg Christian Church and went out for lunch with the minister and his family.  We then took off for Moorseville, IN again to spend the night their with Pat Stewart--a friend we had met as she has come on several trips with Dave Thurman.

She was so generous to put us up for the night, gave us some clothing and shoes to take to Zimbabwe as well as some coke memorabilia (for Major) and served us delicious food.  We left from Moorseville this afternoon to fly home to CA and we are in the airport now waiting to go!

Major and Dave Thurman

Maryleah, Carolyn and Kathy and Major

Ben and Karen in front of their home

Major and friend in Nashville, Indiana

Marilyn and Dwain Illman with Major

Major and Kathy with missionary group in Bloomington

Downtown Indianapolis

Major eating his Indiana breakfast (grits, sausage and biscuits, eggs, chicken friend chicken, hash brown and friend apples!)

Fall in Indiana

Kathy and Pat


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