Lots of visitors and lots of work done!

On Friday the 22nd of July we welcomed three medical students from Norwich, UK; Xavier, Nic and David.  Xavier came last year for a few days with another student and liked it so much he came back with more friends.  They are final year students and so they are enjoying all the pathology and work they are doing here.  They are so excited to do anything and so I am using them to do anything!  They have been busy drawing blood for our research project and helping the doctor in surgery and with OPD.  They have assisted in 2 C/Sections.  They seem to be having a great time.

On Sunday evening the 24th we were joined by Larry and Cheri Gail--our dearest friends and founders of "Friends of Chidamoyo"(like us on Facebook! ) They brought with them Charlie and Lee Ann winners of our "Trip to Chidamoyo" at the auction last year in September.   They are writing each day and posting on Facebook about their trip so follow it there.   They are here for 2 weeks and so there are 11 of us for each meals as Caleb, Amanda and Abbey continue as visitors.

We have been busy all week having them help in Well Baby Clinic, Antenatal Clinic, ART clinic and working in our chapel to sort and clean!!  They are working on getting our last container completely unpacked.  One day Cheri lead Lee Ann and Abbey to clean up my office while I sat in my chair saying "keep that, throw that!"  They promised me a recliner chair and a fan if I would do that in the chapel with them!  If you have seen our chapel you would know that isn't even tempting!! Abbey has been working hard to work with them in the chapel.

We have been working all week with one doctor because the other was at a workshop, and next week the other doctor starts his leave for a month.  That makes me on call for anesthesia so it keeps me busy!

All the group but Caleb and Amanda and me headed off with Major this morning to spend a night at our village at Batanai!  They will go to church there tomorrow and come back in the evening.  The Medical students decided to ride on the roof rack there!!

So this afternoon I have been busy doing wash--I'm on load #6 so far and cleaning out fridges and freezers, doing inventory of food, clean my house and even had time for a nap this afternoon!  Looking forward to our Steak braii (BBQ) tonight and a quiet even watching a movie.

Next week Larry and Cheri and LeAnn and Charlie leave on Wednesday for a few days on safari--but 6 people are coming Thursday and Friday about our research project, then Friday our doctors and scrub nurse team from Harare arrives for 2 days of surgeries.  No rest for us!  The beds don't even have a chance to cool off between guests!

First job--Larry cleaning solar panels on the roof of hospital

LeAnn at Well Baby Clinic

Abbey and LeAnne busy at Well Baby Clinic

 LeAnne measuring arms to asses for malnutrition at Well Baby Clinic

Charlie measuring heights of kids at Well Baby Clinic

Xavier and Nic drawing blood for CD4s

Caleb, David, Xavier, Nic all drawing blood for CD4s and Viral Loads

Xavier assisting Dr. Isala in a C/Section while David looks on

Cheri and Major doing what they do best--having a Coke at the township!

 Larry, Abbey and Cheri setting up the Co-trimoxazole dispensing station at ART clinic

 Abbey weight ART patients as charlie holds the baby so mom can be weighed!

Larry handing out Co-trimoxazole to patients

Kathy and Larry with our fresh eggs--Friends of Chidamoyo sponsored our chicken project to help support the work of the hospital!

The Med students off to Batanai!



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