This week we have been busy unpacking the container in between seeing patients and on Thursday night we started some heavy rain that has continued through today (Monday). We have had almost 3 inches of rain in the past 3 days and more on the way.  The greatest gift is it cooled us down and this morning it was down to 72F at 630 a.m. when I ate breakfast instead of 85F it has been.  What a relief!

Saturday and Sunday people were out in their fields plowing and planting.  It is the official start of our rainy season and we pray it will be a great year!

Saturday we had our support group for kids ages 10-15 with AIDS.  The counsellors spend time having them draw a tree of life to find out what they like, what they want to grow up to be and any problems they are having living with AIDS.  We had 38 kids who came even though it was raining hard.  They also got their meds refilled and we gave them some tea, bread and eggs eat.  They seem to really appreciate this group.  We have time to pray for them and sing and have a devotion.  We have them come every 2 months.

Sunday we went to church at Katche-Katche--about 2 hours away west from us. It was lightly rainy as we went and many people were out in their fields.  It was so beautiful to see green and the trees had almost Fall colors in places with the red and green (maybe Christmas colors?).

We took over 30 youth, crowded into 3 trucks-- from Jinga this time to encourage the church and they kept everyone singing and dancing.  We started church at 1 p.m. and didn't leave until almost 4:30 p.m.

On the way back we crossed several small rivers and Carolyn (Major's daughter) and her cousin Nancy walked a few of them for us to see how deep they were. 

 Michael flew home from school in South Africa and he drove us.  We got to the last river and it was overflowing and about 5 feet deep.  No way we could cross that by vehicle or walking.  There was another car there who had been waiting for an hour and then we noticed the river was rising not going down so we made the decision to go around another way and hope those rivers were not overflowing.  We made it and it added about 1 hour to the trip home--all 3 of our vehicles made it home by 7:30 p.m.  A long day but fun and very exhausting!

 Rain at hospital on Friday

 Support group kids doing their drawing

Runga, our counsellor working with the kids

 Kids singing

 People out plowing

 Trees in colors

 Jinga kids leading the singing and dancing

Women singing special music

Greeting people after church 

 Major and men singing and dancing after church

 Crossing one of the easy rivers

 Girls checking out one of the smaller rivers we crossed

 River we couldn't cross

Cars lined up to cross the river!


  1. Wow, seems like you all had fun there. Loved the music and dancing thing and ofcourse rain, who doesn't love rain. Thank you for sharing it with us


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