Saying good-bye and saying hello

Julia had a great few days in Victoria Falls before flying home to Brisbane, Australia on the 9th of February.  We thank her for her work and help while here.

Michael Mereki also headed to Midrand, South Africa to start a new term of school on the 10th of February.  He is enjoying his studies and is half way through, having finished 2 years and starting his 3rd now.  We thank him for being our driver and clerk at the hospital during his vacation time from school!

On the 5th of February we were joined by 5 final year Ohio State University Medical students who chose to do an elective here.  We had Sam, Muneeb, Seema, Sophia and Kate.  They are with us until the end of the month when they will do some traveling to Victoria Falls before leaving.  Next week they go to Rhino Camp with Major for 2 nights to see some animals!

We have been keeping them busy at the hospital and they have gone out on our outreach teams and with Megan in collecting her field samples for her research.  Megan has been here for the last couple of weeks and has been a big help to me getting meals on the table.

On February 8  Dr. Isala's wife Lorraine got very sick with pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy) after working all day.  We got her stabilized with meds and IVs and he rushed her off to Chinhoyi Hospital where there is an OB/GYN specialist.  She was only 7 months, and they made it only as far as Karoi where she had an emergency C/Section.  Their daughter was born 10 weeks early and died after 8 hours.  In the meantime Lorraine got sicker and needed blood so they transferred her to Harare--stopping in Chinhoyi to get 1 unit of blood into her.  She ended up having to have dialysis for kidney failure for 3 days and finally she is doing much better and we hope for her discharge by the end of this week.  Please be in prayer for them during this difficult time.  We are thankful she is on the mend!

with Dr. Isala gone for the last 1 1/2 weeks it has been good to have the medical students and we are keeping everyone busy!

I have been on 17 days of 2 different IV medications and having had several cannulas put in my arms which are now sore and bruised. I have managed to make up my meds and give myself the IV medication each day and only missed an afternoon of work, so I was happy for that.  The doctor told me he wanted me in the hospital and I said that I work in a hospital--so "I am in the hospital everyday!"  I am on my way to see my urologist tomorrow in Harare and hopefully this is the end of the infections I have been going through since October last year!  I am slowly feeling better and getting my strength back--yeah!

 Julia saying good-bye at the hospital

Megan and Julia

 Megan working with Sam and Kate

 Megan working with Seema

 Megan and Dr. Munodawafa with Seema, Sam, Kate, Sophia and Muneeb

Kathy with the students and Dr. Munodawafa



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  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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