Congratulations to Carolyn and Elections in Zimbabwe

We have had a busy couple of weeks here. The good news is that on Monday this week we were in Harare for Carolyn Mereki’s (Major’s daughter) interview at the US embassy for her student visa. She was in and out in 10 minutes. She called her dad to pick her up and all she could do was cry. He said don’t worry, it’s ok and tried to comfort her thinking she had been turned down and finally she was able to get out—I got it!! Since then we have been on the move to get her a ticket, start packing, doing her physical, etc. She leaves in 2 weeks on August 12. She will be attending Kentucky Christian University in Grayson, KY. She is majoring in Business Administration. She has received a full scholarship for her tuition, but we must come up with room and board and books which is about $5400 a semester. We put out a letter of appeal to help and many of our friends have answered and given generously! We are working on sec...