Visitors and a Wedding--both celebrations!

Last week was a busy week with visitors, lots of procedures and wedding!  What fun we had.

Dr. Stephanie Huang and her sons, Julian and Lucas and her friend Ling from Malaysia arrived on the 2nd of June to spend a week with us.  Stephanie is an ENT in my hometown of Santa Rosa, CA and this is her third year in a row she has spent her vacation time with us.

Her sons, twin, 17-year olds, came with her for their second time and her friend Ling came for her first visit—and we hope not her last.

We put them to work.  As Stephanie scoped ears and throats, Ling and the boys helped with computer work, giving out lots of gift they brought (pens, toothbrushes and toothpaste, and hats) and helping to watch surgeries and transporting patients to and from theatre (Operating Room).  The boys and Ling also went out on Immunization Clinics.  They were kept busy every day. 

They left here at noon on Friday to get to Harare in time to fly out Saturday morning to see the Gorillas in Rwanda—lucky them!

We thank them for their hard work and all the goodies they brought for our patients, staff and for the hospital!  We can’t wait until they come back again next year! I’ve already started a list for Stephanie for next year of patients to see. 

On Saturday the 8th of June we got up at 5 a.m. to leave at 6 a.m. with 3 trucks full of 20 staff members from the hospital to go and support our Nurse Anaesthetist, Grace Mururi, at her wedding to Rev. Douglas Mukoki—a Methodist minister in Harare.

We enjoyed seeing the ceremony, participating in the reception and just having a great day in celebrating this special day with her.  We wish the new couple many years of happiness!

After the reception we drove into Harare to get my flat ready for 2 Missionary kids and their families from the past who were visiting over the next 2-3 weeks.  We finally left town at 7 p.m. and got home at midnight—got to sleep in a bit on Sunday morning!

Julian and Stephanie and Lucas with burn patient and mom

Stephanie assisting in a C/Section

Julian helping to take a post-op patient to their bed from theatre

Stephanie and boys with a  patient with 2 broken arms and his mom in Pediatrics

Boys helping at Vaccination Clinic

 Ling helping to measure heights at Immunization clinic

Ling, Lucas, Kathy, Julian and Stephanie

Grace Mururi, the Bride

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mukoki and Best Lady

The new Mrs. Mukoki

 Chidamoyo staff with the Bride and Groom at the reception

Kathy with Groom in yellow bow tie and Bride


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