Surprise visit by thieves

On the 1st of July I went for my stent replacement.  I was admitted—starved for 19 hours, waited in pre-op for 2 hours and then was cancelled due to complications with the patient in front of me. I told Major to come and pick me with food!!   They rescheduled me for the 3rd of July—just 2 days later, and so had a free day in Harare.  With lockdown and trying to stay away from crowds we met Dr. and Mrs. Kajese (our doctor here from 2011-2014) for tea outside and went running around for supplies for the hospital.  It was nice to have some human contact with friends—even with masks on and social distancing!!

On the 3rd I got my procedure done and was home by 4 p.m.  We came home to Chidamoyo the next day (the 4th) and had a day to rest before going to work on Monday--- I thought!

At 0410 on Monday (the 5th of July) morning I was awaken to 7 guys yelling as they cut my fence and ran by my window and with 4 hits with a sledgehammer broke into my house.  I had run to the dining room and asked them what they wanted.  When they got in, they stated they wanted US$.  They had 2 AK rifles and 2 handguns—later I learned fully loaded!  I had called Major as they ran by my window to say many robbers were in my yard.  I told them all the money was in a safe at the hospital.  They took the safe and 2 guards and after about 15 minutes left us in the bush laid on our stomachs and took off.  I have not put all the details as it is still an investigation.  Please know we were not hurt, and we are recovering well from the trauma.

We drove back to my house and we called the local police and then Magunje police and CID and they set roadblocks out for them and finally less than 4 hours after they left they caught all 12 of them and recovered all of our things at a roadblock in Chinhoyi (3 hours away)!! 

God protected us and got all our things back.  Who would have believed that!  It was utterly amazing.  People kept coming all day to take statements and see what happened.  Many people had heard about me and came to make sure I was ok.  Our staff had a hard time working that day and we had so many patients!!  It was very traumatic after it was all over, and it took me a few nights to sleep through the night!!

So many people pray for our safety each day, many thinking of Covid but God knows where we need protecting and it really worked!  What a witness to God and how he helps us keep calm in terrifying circumstances.  I just kept praying Major would not come after my vehicle thinking it was me in the vehicle.  He sent people to the hospital who told him there were many people.  I did not know 12 people were there until after they caught them—I just knew we were not going to stop them!

One of the investigators asked Major if he had a Bible on his desk and he said yes, he put it on top as he was working on a devotion.  The investigator then told him one of the thieves picked it up to steal it and it sent an electrical shock through him and drove his heart rate up so high, so he threw it down!  Wow, God is powerful!

We found out later that 7 were in the Army and 5 civilians.  One of the civilians was wanted in 2 other cities and they have been working together since 2012.

Thank you to God for protecting everyone and recovering all our things.  My phone was taken and recovered but now must wait as evidence.  If you need my new phone number or What’s App contact me by email.   We are expecting to be called to court any day for our testimony.

Thank you for your support and prayers for our safety.  They are really working.

Covid is now 1820 cases in the country and 26 deaths  but no cases here that we know of yet.  Nurses and hospitals in government and some mission hospitals have been on strike for 4 weeks so people are traveling further to get care to those hospitals open—like us.  Please pray for protection for all our staff.  The country is in lockdown, but people only wear a mask to get in a public building and get through a police roadblock, and most wear it on their chin or below their nose!

There is no social distancing at all, and people do not take this seriously.  Please pray for people to understand health professionals and show kindness and care for other people throughout the world.  Wear your mask!!

On Wednesday 2 weeks ago we had Deon Haasbrook from Chinhoyi out to do some surveying for water to put some new boreholes in.  We marked some at Chidamoyo, Batanai (Major’s village) and Hambakwe school.  He was with us until Friday morning and found good sites for us.

I feel my health is on the mend and I am feeling much better.  My ulcers still both me, but I can manage.  Major is fine and was just so scared for me when he found me after the robbery that he hugged me and cried!  We went to his village on Friday for 3 days to just relax and enjoy the bush!  I didn't want to be here at the mission without him that weekend.

He got his solar fridge/freezer hooked up Sunday and he drank 3 cokes in a row to celebrate!!  I drank some cold water!  Now we do not have to bring frozen water and hope it lasts for the time there.  We stayed until Monday morning and came straight home to work on Monday.

This week we are dealing with borehole problems and electricity faults—so no water or electricity since yesterday morning!  Our spare water tanks and solar at home and hospital gets us through!  We hope they both might get fix today.  We had to supply diesel for our electricity company to come and fix the fault.  Life continues to be a challenge here with hyperinflation, major health centers closed, low pay for civil servants, high prices for food items (Bread now $70 Zim—$1 USD) and shortages of fuel.  We never say things cannot get worse because they almost always do in Zimbabwe!

Thanks to many I heard from after the robbery giving me support and care.  It was appreciated!!

Major keeping warm in Harare
Going to surgery in Harare--You keep mask on until they give you the anesthesia mask!

                       Solar panel for new fridge/freezer at Batanai village

New Fridge/Freezer

Drinks ready for fridge

Celebrating with friends the cold cokes!

Beans picked

                                                    Beans for harvesting at village

The irrigated field at Batanai.  Sweet potatoes on left and Maize on right.

Wear your mask!! Stop Covid


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