Happy May Day 2011!

Major and Carolyn and Michael
The kids and I at Victoria Falls

Major and kids at The Kingdom--Vic Falls

Mereki family having our picnic at Maopos

Michael at Rhodes Grave-Maopos

Bushman paintings in Caves-Matopos

Emma Takaedza's wedding

Youth getting leaving for youth conference--3 a.m.!

Our youth left on the Thursday before Easter for their annual youth conference. This year it was at our mission station Dewure (about 8 hours from here). We sent 30 youth in our lorry (big truck) for the 4 day meeting. They had a wonderful time and came in 3rd in the singing competition.
Major and family and I took off last Saturday for a wedding of one of our nurses in Bulawayo (9 hours SE of here). We attended the wedding on Sunday and then went for 4 nights to a National Park called Matopos about 50 kms away. We spent days exploring caves where there are bushman paintings from the San people who lived here over 500 years ago. We wanted to show Major’s kids some of their history that they only read about and now they have seen in person.
We walked a lot and really enjoyed our time together. We were joined by friend, Zebedee Togarepi for 2 days. He works and lives in Chiredzi. We spent a lot of time talking and laughing!
After our 4 days at Matopos we travelled on for 2 nights in Victoria Falls while Major’s wife, Patience, went to Gweru for our church annual woman’s conference. We had a great time in Bulawayo but some rain fell that proved our rainy season is not over yet. Our lorry took 21 women from Chidamoyo for the conference and they had a wonderful time.
We did a sunset cruise and ate at the Boma in Victoria Falls. We had a bushbuck and baboons visiting our cabin!
We drove home from Vic Falls in one day on Saturday—getting home at 1 a.m. We stopped by to pick up Patience and got to see a lot of friends from all over the country that had come to the Woman’s conference.
When we arrived home—no electricity! We had a fault due to the storm that hit here and no electricity since early Sat. morning. They have “promised” to “maybe” come to fix it tomorrow. We thought the rainy season and our faults were over—but not yet!
Today was a holiday here—Workers Day—so only had to work half a day at the hospital. Tomorrow should be a busy day after our Out-patient department has been closed for 3 days!
We got some great news this week that a mission organization in the US is buying us a new X-ray machine and processor! Wow—what an answer to prayers!


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