Thank you UK supporters

While I was in the US for medical care we received delivery of a brand new Holland tractor.  Donated by supporters of  our UK Trust we were overwhelmed by their generosity.

We have never had a brand new tractor to help us with the work here.  The tractor is so important in hauling water when we can't pump enough; in bringing firewood for cooking; in hauling pitsand and supplies for our building projects; and ploughing for our hospital field.

We are so thankful for this genrous donation and the big help to our work.  It has already been put to good use and working hard!

We have also finished up our Pediatric extension and our nurses station!  It seemed like it took a long time but we are so thankful for these new buildings which are already being put to good use.  One side of the nurses station is our new recovery room.  All patiens from theater come straight to here for more monitored care.

We are finishing up putting the ceiling board  in the Nurse's station and we will be done.

We finally have enough beds for all our pediatric patients and no one has been on a matress on the floor since we opened the ward in July.

We are thankful for AS HE IS USA and for UK Trust that put up most of the money for these projects.  We also are thankful to others who helped us to finish up the projects.  Sebastopol Rotary Club bought new beds for us and Sebastopol Christian Church VBS paid for all of the painting and boarder paper on the walls in both the Pediatric rooms and the Nurses station.  they also helped with beds!  Thank you to all of our generous donors and supporters!
The new tractor arriving on lorry

Mr. Mereki, Administrator taking delivery and trying it out!

The maintenance crew checking out the New Holland tractor
The new Pediatric extension
The new pediatric wards
 The Pediatric ward from outside
The new Nurses station building
 Recovery Room
 Nurses Desk and treatment room



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