A container arrives!

This week on Wednesday a container arrived from Sebastopol, CA that had been sent the end of December 2015.  A truck delivered it first thing on Wednesday morning.  We have had 2 times to open and unload some of the things.

This container has supplies for the hospital that are so needed and helps us not to have to spend money to buy things that we need.  We were so happy to unpack syringes, sutures, gauze, tape  and other needed things.  We have been waiting for these things and it will help us for many months.  We will be able to unpack the container slowly, day by day and it is always exciting the things we get.  It's like Christmas for the hospital!

We are so thankful to the many hospitals, doctors offices and pharmacies that save supplies for us and for Dr. Palleschi who spends time making contacts and picking things up for us.  We also appreciate Gene and Sue  Beckstead who collect the things from many hospitals, store it in their garage and pick our containers for us.   Sylvia Majoni picks things up from her hospital and stores them in her garage too.   Thank you for everyone who makes this possible.

Major has been concerned with reaching out to men in our communities to get them involved in churches.  Our churches always have more women then men involved.  So he held two men's breakfasts at two of his churches this past month and asked the women to invite their husbands.  The first church was Mukowe and over 100 men showed up!  He was only expecting about 40 at the most so they had to stretch the food.  They had several who came forward to be baptized and many have been coming to church since.

The next church was Jinga that he had a men's breakfast for.  They had over 40 men.  He brought Dr. Isala with him so that the men could have some men's health teaching and time for questions.  They really appreciated enjoyed that.

He hopes to continue with some more of his churches and we pray this will encourage many of the men to come to church.  Many of the men came to our Easter meeting in Batnai last week so we were happy for that.

Breakfast at Mukowe

 Men's group that came to Mukowe

Men's group that came to Jinga

Men enjoying breakfast

Baptisms at the Easter meeting

 unloading the container

Opening the container


  1. Nice article and I hope that the container contains healthy products only. Anyway thanks for the wonderful blog post.
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