People leaving!

The last two weeks have been very busy with all of my visitors leaving.  We had three medical students here from UZ in Harare for the past 3 weeks and we had them over for dinner and a game of spoons before they left last Wednesday.  They are in their final year and will write exams early next year so we wish them well in their future medical careers.

While here we had the PT students and our Rehab Tech do an inservice for staff and patients on low back pain and exercises and correct body positions.  We practiced with some of the patients what we learned.

 On Friday the 16th Kennedy Stoa left after a month here.  She enjoyed her stay and enjoyed helping deliver babies and catch babies in the C/Sections we had.  she goes back for her finally year at University of Washington in Seattle.

The same day Kennedy left, 5 of us went to Rhino Camp in Kariba for 2 nights.  Kendra, Kaeli, Anne and Kristen and I enjoyed spending 3 days looking at animals and even found some lions!  God has created wonderful animals for us to enjoy and see in the wild and we did enjoy our time!

On the way back on Sunday we met Major and Makayla in Karoi and they continued on to Harare with Kendra, Anne and Kaeli to see everyone off.  Kendra's team left on Monday evening and Makayla on Tuesday evening.  Kristen and I returned to Chidamoyo and work.  Major came back late Tuesday night.

Kendra returns to her job at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital in Tacoma in PT. Kale and Anne return to their year of PT training through the University of Washington.  Makayla returns to Seattle Pacific University and her senior year.  We wish them all good luck in their studies and future.

On Wednesday morning Kristen left for Harare to leave on Thursday afternoon.    she returns to Florida and finishing up her MPH from Liberty University.  So suddenly I found myself with no visitors--something new here! I have had visitors almost every day since I got back from the US in December last year! I have enjoyed a few days of taking care of myself only.  What a change!

This week God blessed us mightly with a gift of $8,000 to pay off a bill we had with the blood bank here.  We were overwhelmed with this bill and it is such a relief to not have it hanging over our heads!  We are so thankful for the family that helped us and helped so many people live because of this gift.  God is great!

Summer is here and most days it is up into the 100's.  We've had two times of power outages for over 24 hours in the last week--right now we are in one and hope it comes back soon so we don't lose all the meat in our freezers!  This is the time for the blooming of Jacaranda trees.  The purple trees are in full bloom and their flowers make a beautiful purple carpet under the trees.

Kennedy catching a C/Section baby

Four UZ medical students with Major, Dr. Isala, Dr. Munodawafa and myself

Visitors and Medical students playing spoons--watch out!

PT students giving in an inservice to staff and patients on low back pain

PT students and our Rehab Tech, Mr. Kamhuka giving an inservice

Saying goodbye to Kendra, Kaeli, Anne and Kennedy

Kathy with Kaeli, Kendra, Anne and Kristen on way to Rhino Camp

 Sights and scenes from Rhino Camp

 Road traffic on way from Rhino

 Kristen saying goodbye at the hospital

Jacarandas beginning to bloom


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