New employees, new suits and many surgeries!

This week has been very busy with patients and working on or research project.  We have hired two new people to work with us in the office to help with our weekly and monthly reports and to do data management for or ART patients.

Mrs. Marceline Moyo is Dr. Calvin Moyo’s wife and mother of almost 2-year-old Matipa. She is helping in our Data management.  She is developing a new data base for our patients and putting lots of info in the computer, so we can follow our patients better.

Mrs. Ntombizodwa Mudzingwa is Dr. Garikayi Mudzingwa wife and mother of 14 month old, Abigail.  She is helping to do our weekly and monthly statistical reports that need to be done.  As more and more reports have been required it was impossible for me to continue to do them and my other work. 

Both ladies will be a big help to our program and take some of my work away that has been piling up.  We are thankful for our mission hospital organization ZACH and the Pepfar/CDC program that are paying for them to be part of our program and helping us. How nice it is to have people who can help us do a lot of the paper work that bogs us down at the hospital!

Last Sunday after a men’s conference for our Province our ministers came to Chidamoyo to pick out a new to them suit.  We received some donated men’s suits in our recently arrived container.  We laid them out and they tried them on and each chose a suit.  This was so exciting for them and we are so thankful for this generous gift.

Wednesday, we hosted our District Health Team meeting from Karoi District Hospital and talked about problems in the District and how we can help solve them.  We hosted tea and lunch for them.

Saturday was a busy day for us as Mr. Kundiona and Dr. Shield Kajese came to do elective surgeries for us.  They left Harare at 2 a.m. and arrived here at 6 a.m. and started the surgery list.  They had 15 cases and they only stopped for tea at 1 p.m. and finished at 9 p.m.!  Our Doctors worked with them the whole time too!  Everyone was exhausted and hungry!  They came to eat at my house at 9:30 p.m.  Then they slept and left at 4 a.m. to go back to Harare.  We are so thankful for these dedicated doctors who come for free to help our patients here!

Saturday was also our older kids support group day and over 50 kids from 12-21 years old with AIDS came to get their medicine, talk in their support groups and have tea!  They look forward to these days.  I was busy drawing blood on some of them to keep looking at their Viral Loads and hoping to keep them low.

With surgeries and support group it was a busy Saturday!  I worked from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and then came home to make food for the surgeons.  A busy end to a busy week.

Mrs. Moyo

 Mrs. Mudzingwa

 Ministers picking out their suits

Mr. Kundiona and our team from here

Older girls enjoying their teatime after support group


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