Happy Graduation Major

Major and wife Patience
Lori abd Kathy with the graduate

Major giving his speech

The graduates

Major holding his Cokes and Snickjer bars!

Major receiving his diploma

The graduate

We had a wonderful weekend this week. Major and Patience and Lori and I went in to Harare leaving here at 4 a.m. Friday in order to see Major graduate. We spent the day running around getting supplies for the hospital and then Friday night they had a special banquet for the 28 graduates. Eight receiving their 3 year fulltime degree and 20 upgrading like Major. Major had upgraded his Bible college degress from a certificate to a Diploma in Religious Studies.

We went to the graduation on Saturday afternoon and Major was the speaker for his class. Here you run up and yell and dance when the graduate you support is called. You shower them with gifts--so we ran up with coke bottle and Snicker bars--what else for Major?

We finally got home at 11:30 p.m. exhausted!


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