Happy Easter and Independence Day!

We had a visit on March 29th from Jeff Dunbar from Santa Rosa.  Unfortunately his bags did not arrive with him and he was to explain the new medical record system we are doing with Rotary in Sebastopol.  When he got back to Harare to leave 3 days later the 2 Ipads he brought had been stolen with the information on it.  We enjoyed having him for just a short time in the hospital and showing him life in a Zimbabwean hospital--as we say it is just like an American hospital, but different!  He helps to run the Internet Continuing Education program we are involved with through Palm Drive Hospital in Sebastopol, CA, every Wednesday.

Dr. Nura Isala our new doctor we hired, arrived on Friday the 12th to begin work with us.  Already he had done 2 C/Sections and been on call all this week.  It is great to have him.  Nura was with us for 7 months  5 years ago.  We are happy to have 2 doctors again as it has been very busy.

Well this past week we welcomed a team of 4 from Adventure Natomas church in Sacramento, CA.  Brendon, Elsa, Linda and her daughter Mercy arrived at 3 a.m. on Sunday, the 13th of April.  They had quite an adventure getting here which included a car overheating, driving slowly for several hours and driver comments about how dangerous it is on the roads in Zimbabwe!  They still arrived with smiles on their faces and were up in 5 hours to start a full day of Sunday activities.

Monday and Tuesday they worked at the hospital and Jo kept busy wherever needed.  How nice it was to have someone see a need and go and start working.  She worked between taking vitals in OPD, helping with Lab tests in the Lab, going to Well Baby and ART clinics and driving for me!

This week I harvested my field and women from our Waiting Moyther's shelter are helping to take it off the cob.  Looks like we will get 20x 50 kg bags of maize for the hospital--a good year here and still had rain this week!

Wednesday the Sacramento group left with Major for 2 nights and 3 days at Rhino Camp in Kariba.  Jo left on Thursday for the US.  I had 1 day to catch up on laundry, clean my house and work.

Thursday night a 4 day church meeting started at the church.  The church is packed and everyone is having a great time.  It looks like about 700 people are here to celebrate the death and burial and resurrection of our Lord. The Adventure group taught 2 lessons for kids and a did a craft with them this morning.  Much singing, dancing and preaching.  Everyone is having a great time!

Friday night the group came back from their safari--sunburned and happy to tell me about all the animals they saw--some up close.  Major caught enough fish to feed everyone one night--he was very happy!

Easter is a 4 day holiday (Friday-Monday) and yesterday was also the 34th anniversary of Independence of Zimbabwe.  So I have only had to work a few hours in the morning each day to catch up on work and do the discharges.  That has been a nice break.

Tomorrow we have church at 6 a.m. outside to see the sunrise then 13 people are coming here for a lunch and then Major and I take the the Adventure group to Harare to spend the night and then a morning of shopping on Monday before they leave for home Monday evening.  Life is always exciting and full here.  Happy Easter to all of you!

Jeff Dunbar with Major

Taking my maize off the cob at the hospital
Can you believe that those Seattle people made me wear this Seahawks sweatshirt!
 Linda giving morning staff devotions with Major translating
Brandon giving morning staff devotions with Gill translating

Dr. Nura Isala doing a C/Section

Else holding the baby after the C/Section
 Visitors at devotions at the hospital

Major catching all those fish!

 Brandon enjoying elephants up close

Jo at work in a clinic


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