Happy Easter and Merry Christmas in April

Easter was a busy weekend here for us.  On Friday, the start of Easter 4 day holiday here, and our 34th Independence Day, we had a container arrive from the US.  It is always quite a job to unload it from the truck to our ground without a crane.  It involves our tractor pulling with chains and piece of old pipe to keep it rolling and a pit the truck backs up into to be level with the ground!  It is too scary for me to watch most of the time!
Saturday the Natomos team of Linda, Mercy, Elsa and Brandon helped to teach the kids during our church conference.  They did lessons, crafts, soccer and drama with them.  They all had a great time.
Sunday morning we had Easter sunrise service that started at 6 a.m. and went until 9 a.m.  Then we came home to cook Easter dinner and 13 people came to eat.  The Easter bunny even found us out in the bush and delivered some chocolate eggs.
We left after lunch for Harare with our team who was leaving the next day for the US.  We enjoyed an Italian restaurant for dinner.  The next morning we spent at the flea market negotiating and buying, buying.  Then they went back to the flat to pack up and we took them to the airport that evening.
Major and I spent the next day running around getting things for the hospital.  We had quite a list and finally left Harare just after 6 p.m.  We arrived home at 11:30 p.m. exhausted and up at 6 for work the next morning.
Yesterday afternoon we opened the container and started to unpack a bit.  It takes lots of time to get it all out and then unpack each of the boxes and barrels.  We unpacked about 1/4 of the container and we have plenty to put away already.
This morning the solar team arrived to install my solar panels for my battery back-up to give me lights and some plugs that will work when ZESA is off.  I had the back-up system for over a year and love it--now it is being charged by solar so even if we have no ZESA for a day it will charge my batteries.  Of course it rained hard for 2 hours while they were working.  Our raining season continues.
I was able to harvest my field 2 weeks ago and got almost 1 ton of maize for the hospital this year.  The youth group took a Saturday to go and pick it all.  They had a great time and got it all done.  We have had some of the pregnant mothers from Masasa who are waiting to deliver their baby pull it off the cob and put it in bags.

Mercy coloring and putting on stickers

Elsa helping with the kids
Easter dinner
 Easter dinner

 Kathy with Natomos team

10,000 liters of diesel arriving and being put into our storage tanks
 Major opening container
Unpacking container
 Putting the solar panels on my roof at home


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