Sad news

We were very shocked on Thursday the 27th of March when we went to Harare and Dr. Kellert thought she was going to get her work permit renewed and she was given 72 hours to leave the country.  The director of immigration would not tell her why and so she booked a ticket and left for South Africa on the 29th of March and then on to the US on the 4th of April--her birthday!

We all feel very sorry for her and pray that God will allow this decision to be overturned.  So many people were shocked and it was all hard for us to decide what to do as were all in a state of shock.  Pray for her and also for her decision to decide whether she will appeal this decision.  She is taking time in the US to decide what to do next.

New visitors arrived when Jo and Dr. Derik Taninguchi arrived with their friend Pat Jacobs on Friday the 21st of March.  Pat and Jo are nurses and we put them to work.  Derik saw some GI patients for us and taking lots of video and pictures.  Jo and Derik were with us 2 years ago and enjoyed it so much they came back for more fun.  Follow their trip on Facebook page "Friends of Chidamoyo." Look it up and see lots of pictures and "like" us on Facebook.

On the 27th of March  Cheri and Larry Gail join us.  They are the organizers of our fundraisers in Seattle, WA and friends of the Taninguchi's who are also from Seattle. This is Cheri's fifth trip here and Larry's  first to Chidamoyo but second to Zimbabwe.  We quickly put everyone to work--going to one of our ART outreach clinic yesterday.

 Larry installed a deionizer for our Lab machines which he brought from the US. This will save us lots of money to make our own water.  It was costing us $20 every 2-3 days to buy the water to run the machines, so this is a big help.

Our solar system at the hospital has been down for 3 weeks and we were all missing it so much, especially since ZESA had several faults during that time.  Gerald and his wife Sharon and their tech Edwell showed up on the 29th of March with the new part and put it in.  We were happy to have them here and enjoyed lunch together before they headed back to Chinhoyi.  Our nurses were dancing for joy to have the solar back-up working again.  No more deliveries by candlelight!

Since all these Seattle people have come they have brought us Seattle Seahawk T-shirts, sweatshirts and flags to celebrate their Super Bowl win.  It is hard for this 49er fan to put this stuff on!  Besides they are the ones who prevented the 49ers from going to the Super Bowl!  They even brought a 12th player towel for us!

On Tuesday the 1st of April I headed off to Rhino Camp for a safari with Gails, Taninguchi's and Pat.  We had 3 nights there and enjoyed seeing so many animals including lions who were at our boat when we left!

We went to Harare on the 4th of April and after a day of shopping saw Derik, Larry and cheri off on the evening of the 5th of April.  We saw Pat off on the evening of the 6th of April.  Jo came back with me and has been helping me with reports at the hospital, doing Malaria tests (lots of positives) and going for Well Baby Clinic.

Cheryl at work with a Medical Student from Ohio State
Gilly Withers with Cheryl, Dr. Kabanzi, Kathy and Major

Going out  for ART clinic
Jo, Cheri and Derik at work at ART clinic

Jo and Cheri working at ART clinic

Solar team that came to repair solar system with Kathy, Major and Cheri and Larry.  Edwell, Sharon and Gerald
The Seahawk fans
Jo and Pat at work getting meds ready for ART clinic
Kariba sunset


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